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Los Leones is a movie starring Casper Smart, Ozuna, and Sarodj Bertin. Nicole and José Miguel's life in NYC becomes a whirlwind when Nicole suspects him of cheating on her while receiving the surprise that her father is getting

Score 27 votes

Creators Jose Ramon Alama

Country Dominican Republic

Actors Ozuna

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Watch full qué león 2019. Los leones ven ala presa como si fuera una milanesa y ellos la cazan por eso y ellos ven a los animales que no le gusta como sopa. Watch Full Qué León 2018. Simba vs Scar live action xd. Watch The Trailer Synopsis Nicole León (Clarissa Molina) and José Miguel León (Ozuna) have taken their romance to the next level: They now live in New York, struggling to grab a bit of the American dream. However, balancing a couple's life, two jobs, dreams of being an entrepreneur and the difficulties of starting in another country, take their toll on their courtship. Now they are presented with new challenges: Don Camilo León (Raymond Pozo) has a new girlfriend, so Nicole, his daughter, returns to Santo Domingo to meet his extravagant and possible new stepmother. Meanwhile, José Miguel finds that his father, Don Tito León (Miguel Céspedes) fails to control his yearning to live like a millionaire. These situations will lead the two Leon families to get together to try again to combine the fun eccentricities of their members. Rated N/A Runtime 01 hr. 36 min. Genres Comedy Opened January 24th, 2020 Cast Stephany Liriano, Casper Smart, Anyelina Sánchez, Ozuna, Sarodj Bertin Directed By Frank Perozo Written By Jose Ramon Alama, José A. Paxtor.

Watch Full Quà León 2 3. Watch full qu c3 a9 le c3 b3n 2 new. Watch full qué león 20. Watch full qué león 22. Watch full qué león 26. (170) IMDb 5. 7 96 min 2019 Los Leones is a movie starring Casper Smart, Ozuna, and Sarodj Bertin. Nicole and José Miguel's life in NYC becomes a whirlwind when Nicole suspects him of cheating on her while receiving the surprise that her father is getting... Watch for 0. 00 with Prime Product details Audio Subtitles Quality 480p, 720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K Genres Comedy, Romance Director Frank Perozo Writer José A. Paxtor, Jose Ramon Alama Stars Clarissa Molina, Casper Smart, Ozuna, Sarodj Bertin Country Dominican Republic Also Known As Que Leones, Qué León 2 Runtime 1H 36M Download comedy «Los Leones» Customers who watched also watched.

Me fasinas maluma quiero decir Juan Luis me encanta Juan Luis más q maluma me encantó la película te amo Juan Luis y también quiero besarte jajaja. Omg im going to love this movie. Bhaiyo Apke Bhai Ne Apke Liye Video Banai Hai Or Hard Work Kiya hai to Fir Agar apko Meri Video Achi Lagi Ho to Please Like Kar Do Bhaiyo And Subscribe Karke Bell Icon Daba de thanks Bhaiyo... 😍🥰 Insta.

Rápidos y furiosos 10 existe un multiverso y dom tiene q enfrentarse a sus otros yo por un secreto :v. Watch full qué león 2017. Watch Full Qué lyon 2. Watch full qué león 200. X Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server. Los Leones is a movie starring Casper Smart, Ozuna, and Sarodj Bertin. Nicole and José Miguel's life in NYC becomes a whirlwind when Nicole suspects him of cheating on her while receiving the surprise that her father is getting... Genres Comedy, Romance Director Frank Perozo Starring Clarissa Molina, Casper Smart, Ozuna, Sarodj Bertin Watch for 0. 00 with Prime All Systems Operational Product details Writer José A. Paxtor, Jose Ramon Alama Stars Country Dominican Republic Also Known As Que Leones, Qué León 2 Runtime 1 h 36 min Audio Subtitles Quality 480p, 720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K Download comedy «Los Leones» Customers who watched also watched.

Watch Full Qué léon bérard. Valeu pelo documentário abraço. Aww Clari y Ozu! Tan profesionales y humildes😍😍👌👌👌👑. Oye! Me encantó la peli😍😍😆. Increible documental,increible manada y muy buena calidad. Watch full qu c3 a9 le c3 b3n 2 pubg. Watch Full Qué León 2016. El mejor documental que veré de leones, los Mapogos son una leyenda, sin duda Mr. T. Y cola torcida demostrado lo que es la lealtad y la hermandad, lo mejores. 🔥🦁🔥🦁🔥.

YouTube. Watch Full Qué lyon 2014. Watch full qué león 23. Esa muchacha participo en miss universo hace uno o dos años😍. Me Encantan Las Canciones De Ozuna Y Sech😻 Si Llegan A Los Comentarios Dios Los Bendiga💘. No pasa de moda hay una disco en mi ciudad que solo ponen musica vieja de esta la clasica. Watch full qué león 2010. Need a refund or exchange? It's easy with our worry-free tickets. Here's what's included with every worry-free ticket purchase: Peace of mind of a guaranteed ticket. We know life happens. You may exchange or request a refund for your entire order, less the convenience fee, through Fandango up until the posted showtime. You'll have to complete your refund and exchange before the posted showtime indicated on your ticket. We'll refund your credit card or we can credit your Fandango account to use for another movie. Your choice.

Watch Full Quà León 2.0. Que kien eeh quien me llama. Watch Full Quà León 2.2. Watch full qué león 2018. LOS LEONES MOVIE – Secuela de la comedia romántica Que León. Don Camilo León Magnate del negocio de las telecomunicaciones, CEO de ATLASCOM, viudo, padre amoroso y sobre protector de Nicole. Don Camilo siente orgullo en todo lo que ha logrado conseguir en su vida para él y su familia. Desea lo mejor para su adorada hija, y está completamente convencido que lo mejor para ella es continuar el negocio familiar que algún día heredara y casarse con Frederick, su ex-novio. Hará lo que sea necesario para asegurarse que ella explote su potencial y no dejara que nada ni nadie interfiera en los planes que tiene para Nicole. Nicole León Hija única del magnate de las telecomunicaciones Don Camilo León, Nicole es estudiante de negocios internacionales en la más destacada universidad del país. A pesar de haber sido criada entre lujos siempre ha sido consciente del valor del trabajo, tenacidad y humildad, valores con los que fue criada desde niña por su padre y su incondicional tía Mary, cuando su madre murió. Descubre el verdadero amor cuando conoce en la universidad a José Miguel León, un muchacho humilde pero que con detalles y amor verdadero logra conquistarla, envolviéndose ambos en una apasionada relación hasta que los padres de ambos se enteran. José Miguel León Joven, Inteligente, humilde y trabajador incansable, José Miguel debe aprender a llevar las riendas del negocio familiar. No tan solo es un estudiante sobresaliente, sino que lleva a la par 2 trabajos para algún día lograr sus metas personales. Creyente de Dios, amante de su familia y amigos, logra entrar con una beca en una destacada universidad donde conoce a Nicole León, quien lo deja completamente hechizado con su dulce y genuina forma de ser. Junto a ella descubre un mundo completamente diferente al que está acostumbrado, y decide luchar por su relación a pesar de las diferencias sociales y el rechazo de sus padres. Don Tito León El típico padre dominicano! Fajador hasta lo último, siempre al pendiente de su familia, donde él y solo él tiene siempre la última palabra. Dueño orgulloso de “Repuestos León e hijos” empresa que por generaciones a pertenecido a la familia León Mella, su meta personal es que su hijo José Miguel continúe al frente de su negocio y no se distraiga en nada más. Don Tito es padre de José Miguel & Daniela, esposo de Dalila “la Leona” y protector de Masa, el mejor amigo de su hijo y quien también labora en el negocio de repuestos. Dalila de León (La Leona) Madre amorosa y comprensiva, esposa dedicada y mujer de carácter fuerte. La piedra angular de la familia León, es el balance perfecto entre el cariño y la disciplina. Se encarga de que todo marche como se debe. Como madre siempre prioriza a sus hijos, es por esto que es la cómplice de su hijo José Miguel, así sea en contra de los planes de su esposo Tito. Daniela León Joven tímida e inteligente, el cerebrito de los León Mella. Da la impresión de siempre estar encerrada en su burbuja, pero aunque no lo crean está bien al tanto de todo lo que ocurre a su alrededor y es la única que se atreve a contradecir a su padre Tito. Daniela al igual que su hermano trabaja en el negocio familiar de repuestos donde conoce a Masa quien lucha por llamar su atención. Frederick El ex de Nicole. Según Don Camilo era el compañero perfecto para su hija, profesional preparado, de buena familia, de su mismo extracto económico social. Aunque posee todas las características de un ganador, algo en su forma hizo que Nicole se dejara de él. Ahora aparentemente las cosas darán un giro. Coronel Liriano El mejor amigo y compadre de Don Camilo León y padrino de Nicole. Para él, la familia León es su familia y protegerá a cada uno de sus integrantes, especialmente a tía Mary, con su vida de ser necesario. Tiene muy alto el concepto de la fidelidad, es por esto que siempre apoyara a su amigo Camilo en todos sus planes de separar a Nicole de José Miguel, aunque en el fondo no esté de acuerdo. Masa Una de las almas más puras dentro del entorno de la familia León Mella. Llego de Puerto Rico años atrás al perder a sus padres. Encuentra en la familia León el apoyo necesario, siendo su mejor amigo José Miguel, a quien apoya en todo, aunque esto signifique ir en contra de su jefe Tito León. Daniela es su amor platónico y tiene fe en que con tiempo y dedicación podrá ganar su corazón. Kala KALA ES ESA MUJER QUE TODO HOMBRE YA MADURO BUSCA ALGUIEN QUE LE REJUVENEZCA, QUE LE DEVUELVA A ESA ÉPOCA ESPIRITUAL EN LA QUE AÚN CREÍA PODER CAMBIAR EL MUNDO. KALA ES MUY HERMOSA, ES LIBRE, TAMPOCO ES EXCESIVAMENTE LISTA, PERO SU DISCURSO DE PAZ Y AMOR LO EJERCE CON GENEROSIDAD, A LA VEZ QUE DE UN MODO INCOHERENTE. NO HAY MALDAD ALGUNA EN KALA, NO ES QUE SE HAGA LA INOCENTE, KALA LO ES. ELLA SIGUE BUSCANDO, NO SABE EL QUÉ, PERO LO BUSCA SIEMPRE CON UNA ETERNA SONRISA. Enrique ENRIQUE ES GUAPO, EJERCE DE GUAPO Y SUELE TRIUNFAR COMO TODO UN GUAPO CAMPEÓN. REVOLUCIONA SIEMPRE EL AMBIENTE FEMENINO QUE LE RODEA Y LE ENCANTA HACERLO. SEDUCTOR, TODA PIEZA QUE SE LE ESCAPA (Y SE LE ESCAPAN POCAS. PASA A SER UN RETO. AHORA BIEN, SI AQUELLA CACERÍA EMPIEZA A SER DIFÍCIL O CHOCA CON OTROS INTERESES MAYORES, TAMBIÉN ES PRÁCTICO Y SABE QUE HAY MÁS PECES EN EL RÍO. ES INTELIGENTE, RESPETUOSO, EL TRABAJADOR PERFECTO QUE TODO JEFE QUISIERA TENER, PERO TAMPOCO NOS ENGAÑAMOS, ÉL QUIERE CRECER DENTRO DE LA EMPRESA Y CRECER RÁPIDO. NO VA QUEDARSE ETERNAMENTE EN UNA MESITA PEQUEÑA. EL ASPIRA A DESPACHO CON MESA DE CAOBA. Elvira ELVIRA PODRÍA PUBLICAR PERFECTAMENTE UN ANUNCIO QUE DIJERA «PSICÓLOGA NECESITA PSICÓLOGO/A», PORQUE ESO ES LO QUE LE PASA. MUJER INTELIGENTE, EMPODERADA, ELEGANTE. SIN EMBARGO, NO PUEDE EVITAR QUE LE PASE LO QUE AL RESTO DE LOS INMORTALES, PERO ELLA NO ES PARTIDARIA DE LUTOS SENTIMENTALES NI DE REGALAR LÁGRIMAS Y SUSPIROS A QUIEN NO LOS MERECE. POR ESO, RÁPIDAMEnTE APLICA EL SABIO REFRÁN DE «A REY MUERTO, REY PUESTO» E INMEDIATAMENTE BUSCA Y ENCUENTRA UN QUERUBÍN QUE LE GUSTA. ELLA NO ES DE LAS QUE RESPETE COMPROMISOS, NO LO HICIERON CON ELLA. Promos Suscribirse aqui.

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1:40 esta más podrida esa jirafa jajajajaja

Joselico Los ma poco🦅💪🏻. Nicky Jam me da pena ; v la señora nunca la amo, solo x interés 😭😡😠. Watch Full Quà León 2.1. Asesinato. Noo. Ame Eso Nombe Sean Serio. Watch full qu c3 a9 le c3 b3n 2 wallpaper. Watch full qué león 2014. Buenas películas quien las Ta biendo es 2019. Watch full qué león 2012. READ FREE FULL EBOOK DOWNLOAD Daniel y los leones Daniel and the Lions I Can Read The Beginners Bible Yo sé Full EBook - video dailymotion.

Watch full qué león 24. Ami me gustaba la manada de los leones mapogo lastima que ya se murieron todo😥. El otro es que falta tiene que ser juan, anda volando 🔥. Watch full qu c3 a9 le c3 b3n 2 review. Watch full qué león 2011. Arriba mis leones del norte puro nuevo León mis compas saludos desde Dallas texas arriba los corridazos prrones. Watch Full Qué léon blum. Watch full qué león 25. Watch full qué león 21. Watch Full Quà León 2.5.

Bad Bunny y Ozuna los mejores😍❤🔥👑 Que bueno que hagan campañas para los niños con cancer🎀

December 2 2019 still a great song, todavia lo mejor. Watch full qué león 2016. Watch Full Quà León 2.3. Terriblemente conmovedor. Watch Full Qué León 2015. Learn more More Like This Comedy, Romance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. 1 / 10 X A love story between a couple with the same last name but very different social statuses. Director: Frank Perozo Stars: Christine Marzano, Anyelina Sánchez, Clarissa Molina 7. 3 / 10 A coffee grower, single at almost 40, goes to the city in search of the only thing lacking in his life: love. Manny Perez, Celines Toribio, Evelyna Rodriguez Crime 5. 8 / 10 Papi and Yiyo inherit an old building, unaware that the tenants hide a tricky secret. David Pagan Mariñez Julitza Berberena, Pio La Ditingancia, 7. 1 / 10 A couple of uncommitted partners just looking for fun get into a battle of egos as they fall in love. Ronni Castillo Frank Perozo, Nashla Bogaert, Micky Montilla Three convicted criminals escape from prison carrying only a Güira, a Tambora and an Accordion. During their journey they meet with a bunch of interesting characters and are forced to use their musical skills to help them get home. Ángel Muñiz Raymond Pozo, Manolo Ozuna, Phillip Rodríguez Drama 7. 2 / 10 A retired academic teacher tries to find the love of his youth after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Maria Ripoll Oscar Martínez, Inma Cuesta, Mafalda Carbonell The humble and hardworking Orodoto Balbuena finally gets an opportunity of realizing his lifelong dream of reaching New York and living the "American Dream" but soon finds out that things aren't as pretty as he thought. Luisito Martí, Caridad Ravelo, Raúl Carbonell 6. 3 / 10 A cop works against his country's corrupt government in order to find justice on a case. Josh Crook Denise Quiñones, Juan Fernández Eduardo Ortíz Ramiro 'Ramir' Delgado Ruiz, Blas Sien Diaz, Daniela Droz 7. 8 / 10 Employees of a mansion, tired of humiliation and mistreatment, discover a hidden pile of money. Driven by revenge and greed, they decide to take it - then look for more. Ana Maria Arias, Victor Baujour, Sarodj Bertin Jilted by her husband on the eve of embarking on an African safari, a woman travels to the continent alone where she meets an elephant conservationist. Ernie Barbarash Rob Lowe, Kristin Davis, Fezile Mpela 5. 6 / 10 When city girl Gabriela spontaneously enters a contest and wins a rustic New Zealand inn, she teams up with bighearted contractor Jake Taylor to fix and flip it. Roger Kumble Christina Milian, Adam Demos, Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman Edit Storyline Nicole and José Miguel's life in NYC becomes a whirlwind when Nicole suspects him of cheating on her while receiving the surprise that her father is getting married to a woman half his age. To reconcile their differences, they must fly back to DR and face their family issues, together. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Taglines: The roles changed. Details Release Date: 17 January 2020 (USA) See more  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Crazy Credits A blooper reel is shown during the entire credits sequence. See more » Connections Follows Qué León  (2018) See more ».

Watch full qué león 2000. Watch full qué león 2013. Watch Full Qué lyon 2013. Watch full qué león 2015. Watch Full Qué León 2017. La mejor pareja la de daddy yanke eres el mejor...


Quien quiere una segunda. General view of the courtyard by night in 2019 Sebka decoration and arches. Stilted arches of the gallery. The Court of the Lions ( Spanish: Patio de los Leones; Arabic: بهو السباع ‎) is the main courtyard of the Nasrid dynasty Palace of the Lions. further explanation needed] in the heart of the Alhambra, the Moorish citadel formed by a complex of palaces, gardens and forts in Granada, Spain. It was commissioned by the Nasrid sultan Muhammed V of the Emirate of Granada in Al-Andalus. Its construction started in the second period of his reign, between 1362 and 1391 AD. The site is now part of the UNESCO World Heritage List [1] and minted in Spain's 2011 limited edition of 2 Commemorative Coins. Background and architectural influences [ edit] The Palace of the Lions, as well as the rest of the other new rooms built under Muhammad V, 2] like the Mexuar or Cuarto Dorado, represented the beginning of a new style, an exuberant mixture of Moorish and Christian influences that has been called Nasrid style. During the period that Muhammad V was ousted as sultan of Granada by his stepbrother, Abu-l Walid Ismail, he discovered in exile a host of new aesthetic influences that were not in the language of his predecessors, not even in his own first contributions to the enrichment of the Nasrid palaces of the Alhambra. In Fes he saw the Almoravid mosque of Qarawiyyin, built by Moroccan architects. The splendor of the decorations, specially the profuse use of the muqarnas that had once decorated the palaces and mosques of Al-Ándalus, stunned the ex-sultan, as did the ruins of the Roman city of Volubilis, where he could directly examine the classical orders, Roman ornamentation and, above all, the disposition of the Roman impluvium; the Roman ruins at Volubilis were particularly well preserved since they had been abandoned for a period of time in the Middle Ages and later re-used as a necropolis. [3] Muhammad became an ally of his personal friend, the Christian king Pedro I of Castile, who helped him to regain the throne and defeat the usurpers. Meanwhile, he was also astonished with the construction of the palace of Pedro I, the Alcázar of Seville, built in Mudéjar style by architects from Toledo, Seville and Granada. The influence of this Mudéjar style of King Pedro in the future Palace of the Lions was going to be decisive, especially the structure and disposition of the Qubba rooms along two axis of the 'Patio de las Doncellas. Courtyard of the Maidens. Description [ edit] The Courtyard of the Lions is an oblong courtyard, 35 m in length and 20 m in width, surrounded by a low gallery supported on 124 white marble columns. A pavilion projects into the courtyard at each extremity, with filigree walls and light domed roof, elaborately ornamented. The square is paved with coloured tiles, and the colonnade with white marble; while the walls are covered 1. 5 m up from the ground with blue and yellow tiles, with a border above and below enamelled blue and gold. The columns supporting the roof and gallery are irregularly placed, with a view to artistic effect; and the general form of the piers, arches and pillars is most graceful. They are adorned by varieties of foliage, etc. above each arch there is a large square of arabesques; and over the pillars is another square of filigree work. In the center of the courtyard is the celebrated Fountain of Lions, a magnificent alabaster basin supported by the figures of twelve lions in white marble. At present, the fountain is under restoration in an effort to preserve its integrity. It has been argued by Georges Marçais that the spacing of columns and arches was set to the golden ratio, but there is no strong evidence that Muslim architects ever used it. Instead, as Antonio Fernández-Puertas postulates, the rectangles used in the construction may have been based on square roots and surds. [4] Meaning of the structure [ edit] The structure of the courtyard, has, as it has been said, a direct influence of the Sevillian Patio de las Doncellas, but its meaning and origins trace their roots to early Islamic gardening, the courtyard divided in four parts, each one of them symbolizing one of the four parts of the world. Each part is irrigated by a water channel that symbolize the four rivers of Paradise. This courtyard is, therefore, an architectural materialization of Paradise, where the gardens, the water, and the columns form a conceptual and physical unity. The slender column forest have been said to represent the palm trees of an oasis in the desert, deeply related with Paradise in the Nasrid imagination. In the poem of Ibn Zamrak on the basin of the fountain, a further meaning is stated clearly: The fountain is the Sultan, which smothers with his graces all his subjects and lands, as the water wets the gardens. " Nowadays the flower garden has been substituted by a dry garden of pebbles, in order not to affect the foundation of the palace with the watering. In Nasrid times, the floor of the quartered planting beds was slightly lower than the general level, and the visual effect was like a tapestry of flowers, as the top of the plants were cut to the same level of the courtyard, and these were carefully chosen to cover a host of color nuances. Lion Fountain [ edit] Some research suggests that the 11th century lions of the Lion Fountain came from the house of the Jewish vizier Yusuf ibn Nagrela (d. 1066. It is not known if they were made before his death, and at the time, he was accused of wanting to build a bigger palace than the king's. [5] They are large for sculptures of animals in Islamic art, but as in other sites of al-Andalus such as the earlier Medina Azahara near Cordoba, there are multiple animals. The Pisa Griffin is even larger. There is an almost exact description of the original fountain, written by the poet Ibn Gabirol in the 11th century. They represent the 12 tribes of Israel, two of them have a triangle on the forehead, indicating the two extant tribes Judá and Leví. The Lions were removed in 2007 for restoration on the premises while the fountain was restored in situ. The lions were put back in place in July 2012 after reconstruction of the traditional water flow system of the Court of the Lions. Excerpt of Ibn Zamrak's poem on the basin [ edit] The poet and minister Ibn Zamrak wrote a poem to describe the beauty of the courtyard. It is carved around the rim of the basin: 6] وَمَنْحُوتَة مِنْ لُؤْلُؤٍ شَفَّ نُورُهَا تُحَلِّي بِمُرْفَضِّ الجُمَانِ النَّوَاحِيَا بِذَوْبِ لُجَيْنِ سَالَ بَيْنَ جَوَاهِرٍ غَدَا مِثلَهَا في احُٰسْنِ أبْيَضَ صَافِيَا تَشَابه جَارٍ لِلْعُيُونِ بِجَامِدٍ فَلَمْ نَدْرِ أَيَّاً مِنْهُمَا كَانَ جَارِيَا أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ المَاءَ يَجْري بِصَفْحِهَا وَﻻكِنَّهَا سَدَّتْ عَلَيْهِ المَجَارِيَا كَمِثْلِ مُحِبٍّ فَاضَ بِالدَّمْعِ جَفْنُهُ وَغَيَّضَ ذَاكَ الدَّمْعَ إِذْ خَافَ وَاشِيَا Such a translucent basin, sculpted pearl! Argentic ripples are added on it by the quiet dew And its liquid silver goes over the daisies, melted, and even purer. Hard and soft are so close, that it would be hard to distinguish liquid and solid, marble and water. Which one is running? Don't you see how water overflows the borders and the warned drains are here against it? They are like the lover who in vain tries to hide his tears from his beloved. References [ edit] Robert Irwin, The Alhambra, ISBN   978-1-86197-487-7, 2005 Manzano Martos, Rafael. La Alhambra: El universo mágico de la Granada islámica. Editorial Anaya, 1992. ISBN   84-207-4833-1, ISBN   978-84-207-4833-7 Chueca Goitia, Fernando: Invariantes castizos de la Arquitectura Española. Manifiesto de la Alhambra ISBN   84-237-0459-9 García Gómez, Emilio: Poemas árabes en los muros y fuentes de la Alhambra. Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos. Madrid, 1985. ISSN   1132-3485 Al-Hassani, S. T. S, 2012. 1001 inventions: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilisation. National Geographic. ISBN   978-1426209345. Notes ^ John Stothoff Badeau, John Richard Hayes, The Genius of Arab Civilization: Source of Renaissance, 1983, MIT Press, 260 pages ISBN   0-262-58063-2 ^ Map, The Megalithic Portal and Megalith. "Volubilis. The Megalithic Portal. Retrieved 2018-02-22. ^ Irwin, Robert (2011. The Alhambra. Profile Books. p. 111. ISBN   9781847650986. ^ official site ^ Ed. by José Miguel Puerta Vílchez, Reading the Alhambra: A Visual Guide to the Alhambra Through its Inscriptions, trans. by Jon Trout ( no place] The Alhambra and Generalife Trust and EDILUX s. l., 2010) p. 169. Coordinates: 3710′37. 44″N 335′21. 36″W. 37. 1770667N 3. 5892667W.

Like si crees que se debería hacer una película sobre los Mapogo. Watch Full Qué.


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